€250,000  House Aix-en-provence

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  • €250,000
Cottage/Small house,

preferably on ground floor basis.As I want to live there, it needs to be well isolated, well kept, cozy and nice. A good,

well equipped working kitchen, a good bathroom with a bathtub+shower. 2 WC´s a plus. With tiles, tidy (elegant?)looking.

Central heating,not too expensive. Connections to TV,cable,Internet,all such things. Situated in a romantic,quiet village

would be lovely. A small garden to grow some vegetables a plus, a veranda to have breakfast, rest, work also a plus. Not too

far away from fresh breeze and main roads. Also near to grocery stores. I would like a school nearby to refresh my French.
Cottage/Small house,

preferably on ground floor basis.As I want to live there, it needs to be well isolated, well kept, cozy and nice. A good,

well equipped working kitchen, a good bathroom with a bathtub+shower. 2 WC´s a plus. With tiles, tidy (elegant?)looking.

Central heating,not too expensive. Connections to TV,cable,Intern...

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